
Showing posts from January, 2023

Best Swimming Pool Service and Maintenance - Compass-me

  Swimming pools can be a great source of relaxation for homeowners and their guests. It’s also a great addition to a hotel or other location looking to host others. However, it also takes a lot of effort and capital to ensure it’s always properly maintained. Not being able to do so can have some adverse effects on a swimmer’s health and the pool's longevity. For your pool, you’ll want to maintain your pool’s pH levels at around 7.2 to 7.8. This puts it well within the range of being next to alkaline, not allowing microorganisms to propagate. A higher pH level gives way to cloudy water due to chemicals in the water becoming unstable. Lower pH levels below the suggested range will start to damage the metals and plasters of your pool alongside other effects. If you want more information about your pH levels, then you’ll love to hear what we’ve got in this article here. Read on as we detail why it’s so important to maintain your pool’s water at a specific pH level and how you can reme

Knowing When Swimming Pool Pump Repair Is Due - Compass Me

  Your pool is as much an investment as it is a way for you to relax and wind down after a tough day. Much like anything we have, it takes a bit of maintenance work for it to last as long as it can. Devices such as your pool’s pump should be taken care of as much as possible to avoid costly repairs and even more expensive replacement jobs down the road.  Luckily, there are loads of maintenance tips available for those who want to make sure their pools are always in top shape. Even after that, there are several companies, including us here at Compass - Those Pool Guys, that specialize in Swimming Pool Pump Repair jobs. Whatever the case might be, it’s better to know the signs of pool pump damage before trying any DIY measures. Here, we’ll talk about the potential signs that you can look out for when maintaining your pool’s pumps. Along with that, we’ll show you some other issues that you might want to keep an eye out for when you’re deciding if it’s time to call in a pool professional

Find The Best Swimming Pool Maintenance Services In Dubai

  The pool is an incredible asset to the beautification of your home. Not only does it help you to relax after a hard day’s work, but it also helps keep your property so much more entertaining. Having it close by while hosting a backyard party can make you the talk of the whole neighborhood! That’s why we’ve always placed importance on keeping your pool well-maintained and ready to be used. However, how exactly should you go about maintaining your home’s swimming pool? What’s the use of Swimming Pool Maintenance Services and where can you get that done? That’s what we’re aiming to answer as we jot down some of the most beneficial reasons why you’d want your swimming pool cleaned by professionals! If you’re in the business of keeping your pool in top shape, then you’ll want to keep reading! What are The Benefits Of Proper Pool Maintenance? When taking care of the pool you’ve had installed, you’ll need to keep in mind that regular pool maintenance is a big responsibility. If you’re able