Best Swimming Pool Service and Maintenance - Compass-me


Swimming pools can be a great source of relaxation for homeowners and their guests. It’s also a great addition to a hotel or other location looking to host others. However, it also takes a lot of effort and capital to ensure it’s always properly maintained. Not being able to do so can have some adverse effects on a swimmer’s health and the pool's longevity.

For your pool, you’ll want to maintain your pool’s pH levels at around 7.2 to 7.8. This puts it well within the range of being next to alkaline, not allowing microorganisms to propagate. A higher pH level gives way to cloudy water due to chemicals in the water becoming unstable. Lower pH levels below the suggested range will start to damage the metals and plasters of your pool alongside other effects.

If you want more information about your pH levels, then you’ll love to hear what we’ve got in this article here. Read on as we detail why it’s so important to maintain your pool’s water at a specific pH level and how you can remedy any imbalances. Along with that, we’ll show you how Compass - Those Pool Guys can help you make sure your pool stays in top shape!

Why Should Property Managers Maintain Their Pool’s PH Levels

The concept of pH levels is important for swimmers and people who want to make sure their pool lasts for as long as possible. As we’ve said before, high pH levels can cause the water to become murky due to chemical reactions caused by the water. Another effect that this might have on swimmers is an increased chance of skin rashes and irritation. 

On the other hand, a lower pH level can cause plumbing equipment to experience problems and creates an environment for microorganisms to thrive. It also has drastic effects on the longevity of your pool’s different elements like metal ladders and the plaster that holds your pool together. Most importantly, it could lead to health hazards for swimmers in the long run.

To balance your pool, you’ll want to determine what pH level your pool is to start with. Commercially available test strips are available that work by changing colors depending on the detected pH level. Once the strip is dipped into the water for ample time, you’ll simply compare it to a color gradient that’s usually attached to the box it came in.

There’s also the option for more reliable pool testing kits which are typically used to meet set regulations regarding pool safety. Through the use of chemical reagents and indicators, it can more accurately tell the specific acidity levels of your pool. If done 2 - 3 times a week, you’ll be able to keep tabs on it better and keep your pool clean for longer. Just make sure to take into account that the temperature, precipitation levels, and the cleanliness of your water can affect those pH levels as well.

Remedies To Fix Your Pool’s PH Levels

Now, we can get onto the more practical side of swimming pool cleaning and maintenance. Balancing your pool’s pH levels is a continuous process that needs your attention in more ways than one. You’ll need a set of chemical balancers like pH raises and chlorine to take care of the job.

Raising the pH level of the water will require an alkaline chemical. Sodium Bicarbonate tends to be the more popular option, but most people know this as baking soda. It helps by preventing further rapid drops in pH levels while also raising the alkalinity. Take care not to use too many pH-raising chemicals in one go. Instead, do it in small batches until the recommended range is reached.

For lowering the pH level of your water, you’ll find that there are varying chemicals for the job. One of the most commonly used chemicals is Muriatic Acid. However, it is quite dangerous to handle since it can burn skin and damage the eyes should it splash toward the user. Safer options are also available such as commercial pH Minus. However, it tends to be safer to allow professionals to do the job for you!

Compass - Those Pool Guys: The Best In Pool Cleaning and Maintenance

Compass - Those Pool Guys are the right partners for the job if you're looking for proper swimming pool service and maintenance! We've been working on providing the best swimming pool and spa cleaning services within Dubai, amassing loyal clients who can attest to our hard work!

Visit our website for more information regarding what we can do for you! Let us here at Compass take care of all your swimming pool service and maintenance needs.


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